Saturday, February 5, 2011

Random Blessing

For as much as i complain about being in this dirty arm-pit of a country, I am incredibly blessed. 

Even if you dont count the biggest and most obvious blessings, i.e., Gracious God, Redemptive Savior, loving family, I get much more than I deserve.

The whole reason I'm here is the salary.  It would have taken me about 7 years to pay off my student loans, but with this salary, I've paid off all my loans but one and that one will be paid off before I leave.  I listened to a sermon while driving this week that pointed out how quickly we forget God while life is going well.  Without something pushing us to our knees, we fail to thank Him who blessed us.  Not to say that when life isn't going well that we aren't blessed, cause we still are.  How quickly we forget that it rains on the just and unjust alike.

Anyways, I thought about that a little while listening to the sermon, and was reminded of it after I found Gorgonzola cheese while visiting the mall last night.  Gorgonzola cheese is my special cheese, not something to be eaten everyday, but like a great glass of wine, something to be enjoyed infrequently, something to be savored.  I had looked in many different grocery stores last year but never found it, and then they just happened to have it at a place i've been many times in the last year and half.

Anyways, it just reminded me that there are so many small blessings that God gives me everyday, its just a matter of opening your eyes and seeing them.  Regardless of how much you are enjoying or not enjoying life at this moment, don't forget to look around.  Life isn't fair.  That is often said by people trying to point out how they've been wronged somehow but in actuality, they should be very thankful that life isn't fair because we are all given so much more than we deserve.

ps - apparently i lied about posting dublin pics, hopefully i'll post them sometime.

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