Tuesday, October 5, 2010


So while I almost never cook while I'm over here, I've decided to try a few recipes that dont require special pans or stuff like that.  I caught an episode of my second favorite cooks tv show, Good Eats, where Alton Brown bakes some salmon with brown sugar.  I love salmon and I love brown sugar so I gave it a try.  

The salmon rub is mostly brown sugar with some salt, pepper (which I forgot to put in), and a tablespoon of lemon zest.  I picked up two salmon steaks and covered them with the goodness of brown sugar.  After letting them sit for 45 minutes, I threw them in the oven on broil.
 Here they are marinating.    For the bottom one I juiced the lemon and used about a tablespoon on it.

 Out of the oven, sugar bubbling on top, man does it smell good.

 Trust me, it tastes as good as it looks.


Here is the recipe if anyone wants to try it.

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