Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas Overseas

It was a different Christmas this year.  Growing up it was always a beautiful madhouse.  Tons of kids running around, lots of food, never quite.  It was a great tradition.   If only i had the writing ability, i would describe in more detail how great it was, but i dont, so i wont. 

I was able to join some friends from church for brunch, and it was a pretty good brunch.  All the guests cooked something connected with their holiday tradition, it was an interesting potluck.  One guy had this dish that was like eggs, sausage, cheese and peppers mixed up on top of bread.  it was baked like a quiche.  It was my favorite dish.  We also made gingerbread men, and no, the candy beard was not my idea, but it was awesome, so i did it.

1 comment:

  1. Merry Christmas! I'm sending you your Christmas card that was returned to me :) I like the twin gingerbread man... you're silly

