Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Game Night

last night i hung out with becca and greg, we had tacos (christina, i hope you've been practicing because becca made some great tortillas, you've got considerable competition), which were great, then played a game and talked for awhile.  overall a great night.

news on the mail front, or lack there of i should say, is that 3 of my boxes have yet to arrive.  while my recruiter was very helpful and very friendly, giving me the wrong zip code has caused a big headache.  this sucks mostly because one has my computer monitor. considering the state of the boxes i have received, im preparing to receive a broken monitor and looking for the best replacement monitor to get.  tomorrow is my first day off since being here, so im gonna get my phone, and maybe an aircard to get internet in my apt. 

yesterday i overslept 30 minutes and didn't make it outside to catch a ride to work until 5:30, my current alarm clock is a little speaker plugged into my ipod.  the volume is hardly loud enough to overcome the awesome power and peacefulness of my fan.  i fixed that problem yesterday by stopping by the PX (its the 'store' in the military, they have food, electronics, cloths, and other stuff, the bigger the base, the bigger the PX, the more stuff they have)  i looked for the cheapest ipod speaker setup (i have one of these at home, but i left it because i didn't want to worry about getting a power adapter for it)   the cheapest one turned out to be pretty nice.  2 built in alarm clocks, and aux input so i can plug my computer into it and dont have to worry about buying computer speakers now.  it also can handle 110V and 220V so i can bring it back to the states without issue.

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