Sunday, June 6, 2010

sorry mom, but its gonna happen

While I love and respect my parents, I dont always do what they want, or I should say sometimes I do something they dont want me to do.  This is the case with me moving overseas, and while I agree with them that this sucks, its something I need to do.

In a related way, getting a motorcycle is something I've always wanted to do but never could, so I've already started looking at models that I like so when I get back to the states, I can get my license and get one.

I like the old look., no crotch rockets, and no big and bulky cross country bikes.

Here is what I'm looking at for my first motorcycle:

1964 Triumph T-120 model

1975 Harley-Davidson XL1000 Sportster

1992 Honda Shadow VLX 600

Those 3 are around $2000 apiece and all used.  The harley below is much, much more expensive and not likely to ever be in my garage, unless I win the lottery.

Harley-Davidson Softail Fat Boy 10

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Whom Do You Serve

After many years of planning, changing designs, locations and text, I have finally settled on what I want.  On my recent trip home for two family weddings, I got a tattoo.  It is a phrase written in biblical hebrew on my wrist.

I didn't tell anyone what it translated to at first because it was my tattoo and I wanted to keep it a secret between me and God.  With everything going on in my life over the last few years, I wanted a reminder that wasn't just applicable to my current situations, but something that would remind me of truth in all situations.

I have gone back and forth in what I wanted, from old testament verses to modern sayings and designs.  One of my favorite Proverb is 11:22 because of its humorous, yet wise and timeless warning
Like a gold ring in a pigs snout, is a beautiful women without good sense.

I've also considered more heartfelt verses like Psalms 61:1-2
Hear my cry, O God;
       listen to my prayer.
From the ends of the earth I call to you,
       I call as my heart grows faint;
       lead me to the rock that is higher than I. 

I was very close to getting this ichthys on 
my back before I came to Kuwait.

In the end I decided that I wanted something small that could be a daily reminder to me.  The phrase does occur in the book of Joshua, but I didn't find that out until after I got the tattoo.  I got it in biblical hebrew so people couldn't just read and understand it.  Having less people understand it makes it feel more personal to me. 

Oh yea, and if you didn't read the title of this post and figure it out, the tattoo asks "Whom do you serve", ask me if you ever want a more in depth explanation of why i choose that phrase.